
Lookin' Good

Here's a peek at the new dresser.  I can't wait to get out my brushes and get to work!

It's a perfect fit!

How's this for bedside manner: golden glow and ranunculus from the market.

Remember how I said this was supposed to be a productive weekend?  Well... that was before the sun came out.  70º weather!  After it snowed last week!  Forgive me, loyal readers (okay, reader)- I had to break out a sundress and hit the streets with the rest of the Seattle Pale Force.  Check back tomorrow for a photo essay!

Also, this week is SPRING CLEANING WEEK.  Every day I'll show you how I'm making this dreaded task a breeze- and maybe making a few dollars in the process.

In the meantime, I'm following Tildy-cat's example:


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