
Girl About Town: Jack London's Kitchen Sink

A few weeks ago Adam and I drove up to Glen Ellen to cross something off of our "Things to do While Living in California" list: we visited Jack London's house, now known as Jack London State Park. Being hikers, English majors, and people who will never pass up an opportunity to tour wine country, it's been at the top of our list- especially since we learned that this park is scheduled for permanent closure due to lack of funding. That's a shameful thing, because this park is a gem.

It's a park that offers everything and the kitchen sink: trails skirting a sweet-smelling (and tasting, shhh) vineyard, a giant redwood tree, a romantic ruin, a murky lake, and (beneath layers of silly museum staging) a glimpse into the quiet moments of an incredible life.

Being that this is a design blog, let's start with the kitchen sink. 
Tell me there's not some inspiration to be had here...

Today I'll be sharing some of the property's decorating details here on the blog, and also on the Shock the Bourgeois facebook page. Tomorrow I'll conclude my tour with the portions of the park that truly struck a chord with me: the remains of Jack London's dream house (consumed by fire before he'd even moved in), and the mossy knoll that is his final resting place.

1 Have Spoken.:

Andrea Krummel said...

Wow, it really is so inspiring! That kitchen sink is amazing! This sounds like a perfect trip. What a shame that they'll be closing it.