
Here & Now: Simple Pleasures

Thank goodness for Friday, an end to a mean little week, a series of pesky disappointments, and (for my poor fiancé) a nasty bout of food poisoning. There's often a simple cure for what ails you. For Adam, a day of sleep and soup. For me, feeling low and uninspired, $10 and some fresh air. I walked up to our neighborhood farmer's market and bought asparagus and a peach (the first of the season), an iced latte from Peets, and a single stem from my friend at the flower stand. By the time I got home, the stings of the week had faded. Today we both feel much better.

I know what you're thinking, dear readers. "Wait a second, Elizabeth- what's that in the picture? Your sofa isn't leather, or wingbacked, or tufted, or trimmed in brass nailheads!" Very true. My old couch was sadly none of the above.

Meet our new couch. It's a beauty. And I plan on spending my Friday in its embrace with cats, coffee, and magazines by my side, watching my peony unfurl. 



2 Have Spoken.:

Natalie said...

Yes! Congrats on your beautiful new couch!

Elizabeth said...

Thank you, thank you!