
Faint White Lace

I'm fickle with color. I have a crush now and again, but I always come back to neutrals. Right now I'm admiring the subtlety of white lines on a pale background.

Jaipur Rugs via One Kings Lane, White Lace Tattoo via Here

2 Have Spoken.:

amarie said...

I love that white lace tattoo, although I imagine, from a distance it looks rather like burn scars!

One of the girls at work has a pink lace "cuff" tattoo on her wrist. It's BRILLIANT. Same girl has the most outrageously awesome Mucha tat on her chest. I am crazy-envious of her awesomeness.

Wrist: http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/319984_10150485505237729_642612728_11244096_286255766_n.jpg

Chest: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=109103215798765&set=t.100000712939828&type=1&theater

So cool.

Elizabeth said...

Ann... It's a little spooky, no? Everything I read about white ink tattoos suggests that they don't stay so pale and pretty for long- but I do love this patten! Your coworker's lace tat is amazing. The link for the Mucha tattoo isn't working for me- but I imagine I'd be an admirer :D