
My My Parents' Great Outdoors

I mentioned earlier that I was entering in Apartment Therapy's Great Outdoors contest. I did... but I clearly didn't win... because... I guess I didn't make the cut.

Sooooo. Having been denied the approval of AT, I must now fly into a frenzy of design doubt redecoration, hacking it apart and starting anew, and then, perhaps, I'll share pictures. Perhaps.

While I'm trying to recover from this little sun porch rejection crisis, I thought I'd give you a glimpse into the garden of two people who have really got it together: my parents.

Here's my Mom and Paige enjoying their great outdoors.
(Paige may actually just be enjoying being coddled like a baby)

Over the past year, my parents' yard has been transformed from a weedy field to a carefully cultivated landscape (you can see some of the progress photos here). Now that our Seattle summer is in full swing, the garden is showing hints of its lush future. My parents are gushingly proud of their baby plants, and you pretty much have to speak Latin to understand anything they talk about anymore. Euphorbia continifolia? What the...?

Of course, if my yard looked like this, I'd be showing off too.
Don't you just adore those tufts of moss? Do you think they'd notice if I stole a bit for a terrarium?

This little metal rabbit was a present from their favorite child.

Of course, the garden's got the best view...

That's it, Mom & Dad- I'm moving back home. Will weed for rent.

As an aside: Anyone else out there having trouble with scheduled Blogger posts NOT appearing? Gah!

4 Have Spoken.:

Jess said...

That's one thing I hate about AT...its like reading women's magazines or something. If I read it too often, I start to feel insecure about my own home, and have to remind myself that real people live here, and we do not spend every day prepping for a photo shoot. And we are not rich. And we have other things that we enjoy and prioritize over the apartment. And then I remind myself that our apartment is still nicer than any of our friends. ;) Its a nasty thing though, that AT feeling.

Elizabeth said...

Oh Jess, I am so with you on that one. I love AT, in that I like contributing and feeling constructive. However, there always seems to be an equally destructive element to the site: the naysayers, the superiority complexes, etc. etc.

I don't often feel discouraged or insecure, myself, mostly because I recognize that I am really proud of my place (I ought to be, since it really is a priority for me). I do, however, resent that the bloggers of AT seem to be decisively of one mind when it comes to style- and I don't think I'll ever make the cut.

Not sure if you read Cote de Texas, but her latest post was really interesting to me. She talks about how design publications are always so eager to declare what's "out," and which trends are "over." She makes the excellent point that though, naturally, trends appear and disappear quickly in the world of design publications... they last much longer in our homes. And there's nothing wrong with liking zebra print, thank-you-very-much.

Unknown said...

I actually read a lot of interior design magazines, and I can see the direction apartment therapy is pushing towards. Don't feel bad about what happened. Every publication has a look and theme they look for, and are always looking for new trends for readers. It is not a direct reflection of a designer's talents.


Jess said...

I've never read Cote de Texas, no. But that's a good point - its impossible to keep up with the trends, in your home. And yeah, AT has a very specific look. I have only barely been skimming lately, and only because I am afraid of missing a good idea (because I loooove the ikea baskets hanging over my oven, thanks to an AT idea).

I really enjoy bits and bobbins, and her approach to style. She knows what she loves, and encourages other people to love what they love, without paying mind to what other people say. Its a much more creative vibe.